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Forum Burgmania

Help to find!


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All greetings, recently has bought to itself Skywave 400 SS. Now I can not find for it a back of the passenger. I find only luggage carriers, handles with heating, etc. Tell where to buy please is possible or its catalogue number.

Odnośnik do komentarza

Back of the passenger? Hmm, I think that Skywave 400 is almost the same with Burgman an400. So, back of the passenger should be a standard equipment of the scooter. Unless i think about something else that you? Back of the passenger is for me the same that sissy bar. If not, try to explain exactly what you mean.

Odnośnik do komentarza

a sorry... my?lałem na pierwszy rzut oka że na tych fotach jest 650

a faktycznie jak go?ć nówkę nabył to nie ma oparcia

Sorry Stinger for this short conversation between me and Rafałek...

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